Bob Verchota is owner and senior consultant for RPVerchota & Associates, a consulting firm providing services to clients who seek to align their business and employees, creating successful outcomes and excellent work environments. After 30+ years in Human Resources senior leadership roles and teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in Leadership and Organizational Development, Bob transitioned to using his experience and skills in consulting.
Mr. Verchota provides solutions to companies for a wide variety of HR issues including training and development, compensation, compliance, policy development, performance management, employee relations and managing change from mergers and acquisitions to project specific disruptions of the status quo.
Bob has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, graduate degree in Healthcare Administration, and doctoral work (ABD) in Organizational Development. He is a lifetime Senior Professional in Human Resources.
05Regardless of skill, hiring a person who is a bad fit is wrong decision. In fact, traditional interviewing predicts future success by only 10%.
07This webinar is designed to give managers insight and tools for effectively dealing with performance issues. It is a challenging job but with the right preparation, we can hold employees accountable and improve our organizations. You will receive several handouts that will act as a toolkit to get you started with your own program.
10Stay/retention interviews offer a specific, targeted, and effective solution to the turnover problem.
12Every organization's road to success is achieved through combining products and/or services with staff that are engaged and committed to delivering great quality, service and products.
This webinar will give you all the tools you need to start your Exit Interview program or improve the one you have. It isn't rocket science but there are best practices and considerations for doing them well. Our intent is to get you up to speed as quickly and effectively as possible.
Reducing turnover and fast-tracking new employees to productivity is a key business imperative. The reality is that about 30% of employees don't make it past their first year and it's expensive.
Participants will learn the meaning of each of the five behaviors of a functional team. Participants will learn the interrelationship of each of the five behaviors. Participants will receive activities for enhancing the effectiveness of their team. Participants will understand why vulnerability-based trust is the foundation of all team effectiveness. Participants will understand how the conflict continuum and how too little conflict is as damaging as too much.
HR's role in mission and strategy Key anti-discrimination laws & protected classes Meaning of disparate treatment and adverse impact Rights employers DO have Recruiting and behavioral based interviewing Importance of goodness of fit in employee selection Onboarding basics and the 4 C's of onboarding Key considerations in managing employees Seven steps to employee recognition Basics of Employment at Will Five considerations in determining just cause Progressive discipline and why you might not want it Seven steps to effective corrective action Twelve parts of disciplinary documentation. What to know in disciplining employees. The basics of sexual harassment and how to stay out of trouble. What is quid pro quo and hostile working environment.