Daniel T. Bloom is a well-respected author, speaker and HR strategist, who during his career has worked as a contingency executive recruiter, member of the internal HR staff of a Fortune 1000 corporation, an HR Consultant and a Corporate Relocation Director for several real estate firms.
He is an active participant within the HR social Media scene maintaining Blogs since 2006 and has written over 40 articles, which have appeared on line and in print;
He has written published seven books, the majority through Productivity Press (Just Get Me There- A Journey through Corporate Relocation -2005; Achieving HR through Six Sigma -2013, Field Guide to Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma – 2016, The Exceptional Educational System: Using Six Sigma to Transform Schools – 2017, Reality, Perception and Your Workplace Culture – 2019, and Employee Empowerment- The Prime Component of Sustainable Chang Management – 2020, Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma 2nd Edition - 2021).
He also serves on the St Petersburg College’s Six Sigma Black Belt Review Board.
Dan earned a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Parsons College and his Six Sigma Black Belt training from the Engineering and Technology Program at St. Petersburg College.
He holds dual certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources from HRCI, and as a Six Sigma Black Belt.
11While not a prep class for the Project Management Institute's Project Management Professional Certification (PMP), it will provide an overview of the field of project management in a total of 6 hours of instruction.
12While not a prep class for the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Professional Certification (PMP), it will provide an overview of the field of project management in a total of 6 hours of instruction.
13In the course of 60 minutes of instruction, the participants will walk through the development of a project charter with a deep-dive into each of the sections with examples of the content within each section.
The TLS Continuum is divided into five stages of inquiry. It begins with defining the problem. Part of that definition is an understanding of the causes and effects of factors within the organization which is creating obstacles to the flow of information and materials through the organization.
Part of Karou Ishikawa's Seven Tools of Quality, it is used specifically to identify the causes of problems facing an organization and to use the brainstorming tool to discover solutions to those problems.
HR is confronted with a two-sided coin. Every time John Smith interviews a candidate, and the organization hires them the candidate does not stay.
This hour-long webinar takes a dual view of the road to HR excellence. First, we review what the definition of excellence is in general and then specifically from four sub-definitions of the term: