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Marcia Zidle

Board-Certified Executive Coach, smartmovescoach

Marcia Zidle is a board-certified executive coach, business management consultant and keynote speaker, who helps organizations to leverage their leadership and human capital assets.

She has 25 years of management, business consulting and international experience in a variety of industries including health care, financial services, oil and gas, manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, government and nonprofits.

She brings an expertise in strategy and alignment; social and emotional intelligence; executive and team leadership; employee engagement and innovation; personal and organization change management.

She has been selected one of LinkedIn Profinder’s top coaches for the past 5 years.



Stop the 1 Time Waster: Start Leading Productive, Engaging Meetings That Deliver RESULTS! 

People don’t hate meetings. They hate bad meetings. And there’s a long list of reasons why so many meetings are bad: there’s no agenda and the meeting goes in circles; the wrong people are invited and everyone’s multi-tasking; unclear actions items or decisions; and the list goes on and on.

Marcia Zidle
  • Time: 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤145.00
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Onboarding Your New Hires: Leverage the Potential of AI to Enhance Their Experience and Retention

In today's fast-paced business world, employee onboarding is more critical than ever before. It can make or break an organization's success in retaining new hires and ensuring their productivity. It’s when new employees are introduced to the company's culture, values, and policies. It’s also the time when they’re trained in the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in their new role. This is why it’s important to have a smooth and efficient onboarding process.

Marcia Zidle
  • Time: 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤145.00
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Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Marcia Zidle
  • Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤145.00
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Destress the Stress: 10 Positive Ways to Manage Workplace Stress So It Doesn't Manage You!

Did you know today 80% of workers - your leaders, managers, and employees - feel stress on the job?

Marcia Zidle
  • Time: 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤145.00
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Leadership Skills: Power, Politics and Influence

When was the last time you thought about how you influence others - how you change minds, shape opinions, move others to act? Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager said, "The key to leadership is influence, not authority." That's why it's important to have influencing skills as part of your professional portfolio.

  • Marcia Zidle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤195.00
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Employee Engagement and Retention

The critical talent management issue businesses face today is how to keep engagement high and retain those key employees who are right now thinking about seeking greener pastures as the economy and job market improves. Some may think employee engagement is primarily a human resource concern. Yet Gallup's research has found that managers are the ones primarily responsible for their employees' engagement levels. Learn how managers can accelerate employee engagement and boost the performance of their department or business unit.

  • Marcia Zidle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤195.00
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Managing Conflict and Difficult People

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Conflict arises when the people we work with have different ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, values, goals or expectations. Yes, conflict can be destructive! It diverts energy from more important activities and issues; it polarizes people and reduces cooperation; and it can produce irresponsi-ble behavior. And conflict can be constructive! It opens up and improves commu-nication; it strengthens working relationships and teamwork; and it leads to better quality decisions and problem solutions.

  • Marcia Zidle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤195.00
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Leadership Intelligence: How to Use Your Power and Influence Effectively

When was the last time you thought about how you influence others - how you change minds, shape opinions, move others to act? Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager said, "The key to leadership is influence, not authority." That's why it's important to have influencing skills as part of your professional portfolio. To be an effective leader, it is necessary to influence others to support and implement decisions that are crucial for your team, department, business unit or company's success. Even with a solid foundation of credibility and competence you, as a manager, may fall short if you don't understand the dynamics of power, politics and influence.

  • Marcia Zidle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Price: ¤195.00
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