Dr. Joni Johnston is a licensed clinical/forensic psychologist, private investigator, and CEO of WorkRelationships, an employee relations consulting firm. Since 1991, she has conducted hundreds of workshops and trained thousands of managers and HR professionals on how to deal with employee conduct issues - from dress code violations to offensive behavior investigations to workplace violence.
Making poor hiring decisions (and keeping bad hires) based on deficient interviewing skills costs companies millions of dollars every year.
Every manager encounters employees who cross the line into unacceptable behavior. Maybe they tell off-color jokes. Spread gossip. Act like slobs. Practice poor personal hygiene. Ridicule core organizational values. Or violate company rules and policies.
Disciplining and terminating workers who are underperforming or breaking the rules is stressful for even the most skilled manager. Even worse, there are so many ways to get it wrong; failing to document all incidents regarding a discharge, firing an employee who has health or personal problems, or waiting until the employee's performance has deteriorated past the point of no return to address it.
This practical webinar teaches HR professionals and small business owners how to avoid harassment or discrimination claims that can arise from poorly handled - or inconsistently enforced - dress code issues.