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When does the Onboarding Process Begin and does it Ever End

In this webinar we will examine some of the critical points associated with onboarding and how those points have a positive impact on the new employee's decision to be engaged and stay, Onboarding is the process by which a firm differentiates between hiring people to do a job (orientation) and hiring people who become an integral part of your organisation's success.

60 Minutes
6 months
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Overview: One recent survey indicated that up to 46% of new hires fail, in the first 18 months, of that 50% leave in less than a year. The survey points out that one of the essential causes of early turnover is the misfit with the new employee and their direct boss. Would not a process of integration into the organisation be a fundamental responsibility of the hiring manager? What is the consequence of your bottom line for not successfully integrating a new hire into the company?

Ever since the word onboarding was adopted by those who are responsible for talent management the meaning and length of the concept has taken on many definitions. Onboarding is the process by which a firm differentiates between hiring people to do a job (orientation) and hiring people who become an integral part of your organisation's success. Making sure your new employee has a desk, smartphone and the necessary tools to do their job is certainly important, but it's not all there is.

As the shampoo commercial used to say,you only have one chance at making a first impression'. The new hire's first impression sets their mind into gear on how things will probably evolve. The desired outcome of onboarding is to ensure your new employee, from the get-go, is fired up about doing their best, day in and day out. To achieve this, you need to go beyond welcoming them to the team lunch on day one.

Fitting in and feeling connected to the work environment coupled with a sense of trust and be trusted by your boss pays enormous dividends in employee retention, engagement and long-term employee satisfaction. Done correctly, and consistently, onboarding makes your new hires feel comfortable. Onboarding does not have to be complicated or time-consuming.

Why should you Attend: Onboarding is not an elongated orientation process. Onboarding is not the sole responsibility of HR or the Recruiter or even the hiring manager alone. Onboarding is a team effort. One of the reasons people struggle with the onboarding process is lack of clarity of purpose. Like all talent management activities, you need to have a plan, a vision, for the effort to have meaning.

Once you have defined the reason, your organisation is conducting the onboarding process you can have precise measurements of success. You also have a better story to tell why specific activities are in place and the accountabilities for each of the actions.

We will examine some of the critical points associated with onboarding and how those points have a positive impact on the new employee's decision to be engaged and stay.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • When does the onboarding process begin and why
  • The central importance for acclimation to the company culture and the power of storytelling
  • Paying attention to what your onboarding content is saying versus what the new employee is seeing
  • What is the employee experience you're promising versus the message that is received?
  • Using gamification as part of the onboarding process
  • The importance of setting performance expectations during the first couple of days on the job
  • The central role of a realistic job preview during the selection process to ensure mutual understanding from day one on the job

Who Will Benefit:
  • Hiring Managers
  • Recruiters
  • HR/Talent Management

Dr. David S.Cohen Ed. D. is a seasoned management consultant passionate about building organizations through the successful alignment of their people to the corporate values and corresponding behaviors. He works with organizations and their leaders to ensure the clear articulation of the culture and the application of that knowledge to building integrated talent management processes and practices and improving employee engagement.

David has over 29 years of consulting experience working with organizations across all industry sectors. He has worked with companies one five continents. He has extensive experience and success working on helping organizations build: clearly articulated values, employee engagement, leadership development, structure behavioral interviewing processes, on-boarding, performance management programs, programs on accountability to meeting business commitments, succession planning processes, 360 Feedback systems, company wide behavioral competency models, career planning processes, and team building activities, organization culture initiatives In addition to the above his clients call upon him to coach senior leaders.

David is also frequently called upon to present at conferences around the globe. He has presented on a variety of topics associated with talent management and organizational culture. His most recent presentations were in Singapore, Mumbai, Bangalore, Dubai, and Toronto.

Furthermore, David has authored to books including The Talent Edge: A Behavioral Approach to Hiring, Developing, and Keeping Top Performers (John Wiley and Sons, August, 2001) which remains a valuable book and has been reprinted five times. His second book focuses on corporate culture, organizational values and leadership and is titled Inside the Box: Leading With Corporate Values to Drive Sustained Business Success (Jossey-Bass September 2006). In 2009 he received from the Asia Pacific HRD Summit their 'HR Leadership Award’ for thought leadership in Human Resources because of his work on the development of behavioral competencies and their application to building integrated talent management systems. He holds a doctorate in humanistic and behavioral studies from Boston University with post-graduate work and teaching at the Harvard School of Education. He is on the faculty for continuing executive education at the Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada and on the faculty of Durham College in the School of Business, IT and Management where he teaches organizational behavior, succession planning and behavioral interviewing.

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