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Every manager knows that the best - and fastest - way to learn a new skill is through practice. That's why we've packed this hard-hitting workshop with powerful exercises models and case studies specifically designed for managers of multiple locations. This is a unique opportunity to fine-tune your off-site management skills in an environment where you don't have to worry about making a costly mistake. This is your chance to master proven-effective strategies that you can put to work immediately.
When you take part in this workshop, be prepared to roll up your sleeves sweat a little and think a lot. During the session, you'll examine off-site management challenges - and solutions - with peers practice techniques for getting poorly performing locations up-to-speed determine what the pros did right - and wrong - in real-world case studies and much more.
Back at the office, you'll be able to turn around all your off-site concerns. You'll know the inside secrets that'll help you get multiple offices to follow your instructions to the letter accurately monitor quality and build strong, self-reliant teams you can count on.
Why should you Attend:
- Boost productivity at every location
- Significantly cut down on paperwork
- Know off-site employees are following the rules, period, including home-office rules
- Spot problems even when you're far away
Are you concerned about how much time and productivity your people are wasting?
What about lost energy, efficiency and effectiveness, especially because people are so "spread out"?
Would you like to tame the paper tiger' and reduce so much needless paperwork?
Have you ever been concerned about people "following the rules" you know, out of sight, out of mind'?
Would you like to be able to more effectively spot problems, even when you are hundreds to thousands of miles away?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then come laugh, listen and learn as Chris DeVany leads us all through those important topics, key questions and answers we all need to be able to address effectively to improve our team members' and team's performance, no matter how widely distributed everyone is!
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Maintain Order While Managing Long-Distance
- How to give multiple locations a business "road map" that'll keep them headed in the right direction
- How to create crystal-clear procedures that off-site staff will follow to the letter
- Expert insight on "friendly" competition between sites could this be doing your company more harm than good?
- Discuss today's long-distance management challenges and brainstorm possible solutions
- How to quickly smooth things over when you have to lay down the law and enforce an unpopular policy from a distance
- The one action you must take if you want to significantly slow down the paper blizzard from multiple locations
- Stay In Touch - And Control - No Matter What
- How to keep your finger on the pulse of off-site action without making employees feel like "Big Brother" is watching
- What responsibilities you must shoulder alone and when you can safely share the load with off-site employees
- A common - but deadly - management mistake that'll ensure an off-site office will never trust your motives
- Determine the fastest way to get a poorly performing location up to speed
- How to quickly and accurately check the quality of products or services at any location
- The inside secrets to creating a lasting bond between off-sites so every employee feels like they're on the same team
- Establish Quality-Minded Teams You Can Rely On
- How to structure teams so they'll pull together no matter which site they're from
- How to ease resentment at a satellite location when a home-office employee is chosen for a promotion
- The only way to handle teams that were established before your time without decreasing productivity
- How to build an "emergency response" team that'll know what can be handled independently and when to call you immediately
- Troubleshoot Off-Site Problems Like A Pro
- How often you should be visiting each site any less and you're begging for trouble
- Phone or face-to-face? The best way to approach a site problem without alienating anyone
- How to put a stop to childish disputes between sites without taking sides or making matters worse
- Develop a reward system that'll motivate employees from all levels at every location
- How to determine whether you should coach counsel or warn the entire staff at a location about their performance
- An action plan that'll help you handle any "cover-up" you might find no matter how large or small
- How to ensure the "isolation factor" won't turn into a problem at remote locations
Who Will Benefit:
- Senior Vice President
- Vice President
- Executive Director
- Managing Director
- Regional Vice President
- Area Supervisor
- Manager
Chris DeVany is the founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a firm which focuses on management and organization development. Pinnacle's clients include global organizations such as Visa International, Cadence Design Systems, Coca Cola, Sprint, Microsoft, Aviva Insurance, Schlumberger and over 500 other organizations in 22 countries. He also has consulted to government agencies from the United States, the Royal Government of Saudi Arabia, Canada, Cayman Islands and the United Kingdom.
He has published numerous articles in the fields of surviving mergers and acquisitions, surviving change, project management, management, sales, team-building, leadership, ethics, customer service, diversity and work-life balance, in publications ranging from ASTD/Performance In Practice to Customer Service Management. His book, "90 Days to a High-Performance Team", published by McGraw Hill and often accompanied by in-person, facilitated instruction, has helped and continues to help thousands of executives, managers and team leaders improve performance.
He has appeared hundreds of times on radio and television interview programs to discuss mergers and acquisitions (how to manage and survive them), project management, sales, customer service, effective workplace communication, management, handling rapid personal and organizational change and other topical business issues.
He has served or is currently serving as a board member of the International Association of Facilitators, Sales and Marketing Executives International, American Management Association, American Society of Training and Development, Institute of Management Consultants, American Society of Association Executives, Meeting Professionals International and National Speakers Association. Chris is an award-winning Toastmaster's International Competition speaker. He recently participated in the Fortune 500 Annual Management Forum as a speaker, panelist and seminar leader.
Chris has distinguished himself professionally by serving multiple corporations as manager and trainer of sales, operations, project management, IT, customer service and marketing professionals. Included among those business leaders are Prudential Insurance, Sprint, BayBank (now part of Bank of America), US Health Care and Marriott Corporation.
He has assisted these organizations in mergers and acquisitions, facilitating post-merger and acquisition integration, developing project management, sales, customer service and marketing strategies, organizing inbound and outbound call center programs, training and development of management and new hires, and fostering corporate growth through creative change and innovation initiatives.
Chris holds degrees in management studies and organizational behavior from Boston University. He has traveled to 22 countries and 47 states in the course of his career.