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Here's the challenge of 'Implementing Change' and how the presentation addresses it.
Challenge: "We come up with an idea, and want our community to commit to the implementation of that idea".
Why should you Attend:
If you've attempted to Implement a Change and failed, or if you've watched implementations in your current or past organizations fail - then at the very least knowing why they might have failed - is a first step towards ensuring that your next Change initiative is a success.
How should we implement Change? What Methodology should we use? It's a simple enough question, surely there's a simple answer especially since we get to do it so often. Every time we implement a new system or install a new process, we're implementing Change. Surely there are some things that work, and some things that fail? Surely we're intelligent enough to sift out the good from the bad? Perhaps.
We have a problem. We need to understand the deep mystical secrets of Change Implementation.
When faced with Change, any Change, our immediate response is "How will it affect me?" Will it destroy a way of life, or just disrupt a sense of comfort? Will it threaten jobs, or will it just be perceived as threatening jobs? Does it matter if it is a perception rather than reality?
There are no Silver Bullets in Change Management. No guaranteed, money back solutions. Our Change strategy depends on the present situation, our past history, the future we're trying to create and how difficult we make the journey from here to there.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Know that "Subject of Change" is a key skillset: - The 1st step
- Know Change: - Books, and Delphi Method based Post Mortems
- Know this Change: - Seeking External & Internal Information
- Establish Rapport: - Involvement & Ownership
- Understand the Status Quo: - Core Values, Influencers & Drivers
- Create a Desire to Change: - "Go to them with Questions, not Answers"
- Transform Desire into Action: - "If you were in charge?"
- Reinforce New Behaviours: - Creating a Support Infrastructure
- Create Closure: - Bring this one to an end, before starting another
Who Will Benefit:
- Supervisors
- Managers
- C-Level Execs
- Management - at All Levels
- Project Leaders
- Change Management Expertise
Peter de Jager is a keynote speaker/writer/consultant on the issues relating to the Rational Assimilation of the Future. He has published hundreds of articles on topics ranging from Problem Solving, Creativity and Change to the impact of technology on areas such as privacy, security and business. His articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Futurist and Scientific American.
He is best known to project management audiences for his efforts to create responsible awareness of the Y2K issue - For which he received several awards from IT associations and Govt. Agencies.
In addition to presentations and seminars on the topics above, he has written dozens of regular columns. These include; Association Trends, CIPS across Canada, Enterprise, Globe & Mail online and Municipal World
He's spoken in more than 40 countries and is recognized worldwide as an exciting, humorous, provocative and engaging speaker. His audiences have included the World Economic Forum, The World Bank and The Bank for International Settlements.
His presentations and workshops are highly interactive, fun, irreverent to mistaken ideas and most distinctively - provocative. He forces the audience, by demonstrating conflicts between their stated beliefs and behaviours, to think differently about what they thought they knew. You can read much of his work in the publications section of www.technobility.com and you can view many of his webinars at: www.vimeo.com/technobility