This program has 24-hour benefits. It's all about relationships. Participants learn time proven techniques and strategies to communicate with credibility and confidence, turn problem relationships around and build long term work relationships.
A characteristic of effective people is effective relationships. You hear it everywhere - relationship selling, management relationships, customer relationships, supplier relationships, team relationships - the fact is, building relationships is essential in today's work environments. In this fast-paced webinar you will learn essential keys to build, maintain and grow effective work relationships. We will walk you through a step-by-step process to communicate credibly and persuasively with others and give you the tools and techniques needed when pressure, stress and conflicts are affecting work relationships. Individuals that attend this workshop will leave armed with powerful tools critical for success in today's workplace.
Why you should attend: Your job skills determine your survival - your people skills determine your success. Sure, we all need the technical skills needed to perform our jobs, but if people don’t enjoy working with you and doing business with you then it will be tough to have long term success. To reach your potential you have to go beyond just knowing your job. You need to also know how to influence, work with varied personality types and effectively negotiate differences when they arise. It is imperative to build effective work relationships with peers, subordinates, supervisors, customers and suppliers. We need to manage relationships vertically up and down with our boss and subordinates, and horizontally with peers and customers. Yet we often are caught in power and rights contests in the workplace. Or we have trouble coping with the difficult people we encounter. Or we react ineffectively in stressful situations. Over time work relationships become strained and tense. People ruin your day just by showing up. Or you dread going in to "deal" with the people you need to interact with. Without building effective work relationships, managers and supervisors only get compliance from their staff rather than the commitment they need. Teamwork and productivity will suffer. Customer loyalty will erode. This session will show you how to build successful work relationships that continually build and improve over time.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Effective work relationship essentials
- Characteristics of people who build effective relationships
- Professionalism - It’s not what you say but how you say it
- Seven step communication model
- Dealing with conflicts - IBN
- Giving and getting feedback
- Avoid the fatal feedback errors
Who Will Benefit:
- Human Resource Professionals
- VP of Human Resources
- Director of Human Resources
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Team Members
- HR Professionals