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FIRING - It's Not Easy, But It Can Be Legal

90 Minutes
6 months
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Recorded Version

$195. One Participant

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The need to terminate an employee can arise despite your best efforts, and by then it may already be too late to "do it properly."

To keep your terminations legal and avoid costly errors, learn what you need to know about terminations before you need to know it. Learn how to approach situations in a way that may solve problems and avoid termination.  Emphasis is placed on practical techniques for supervisors to use within the legal framework of employment laws, and how to document so that corrective discipline or discharge will stand up to challenge.

  • The legal framework supervisors operate within and how to avoid going "over the edge."
  • To identify and address work-related issues.
  • Easy-to-understand principles to guide you in difficult situations.
  • The principles of fair discipline and documentation so you can take a stand on your decisions and withstand challenges.

Areas Covered In the Session:
  • Overview of the basic employment laws affecting discharge
  • Deciding to discharge
  • Handling the termination meeting
  • It's not over when it’s over (post termination pay, benefits, references)

Who will benefit:
  • All Employers
  • HR Managers
  • All Managers
  • Business Owners
  • Business Advisors and Consultants

Robert E.Gregg brings his years of employment law experience to offer strategies, to identify and resolve problems before they generate lawsuits. Bob's dynamic and engaging presentations turn legal concepts into easily understood practical, effective advice that any organization can apply to positively take control before the situations controls you. Bob is an employment relations attorney with over 30 years of experience.

His main emphasis is helping employers achieve enhanced productivity, creating positive work environments. Bob is a partner at Boardman and Clark, LLP in Madison, Wisconsin. A recognized educator and trainer, Bob has conducted over 3,000 seminars throughout the United States and authored numerous articles on practical employment issues.

His career has encompassed canoe guide, carpenter, laborer, Army Sergeant, social worker, educator, business owner, Equal Employment Opportunity officer, and employment relations attorney. He has the background to address a wide range of employment issues in a straightforward, easy-to-understand style.

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