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Harvey Coleman

Sales Manager ,

Harvey Coleman Harvey Coleman’s career and life experiences have had an important impact on the the conclusions I make in my book. I was hired by the Xerox Corporation as their first Black salesman after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, worked for the IBM Corporation for twelve years holding positions in sales, sales management, manager of EEO, Management Development and left there as a Divisional HR manager. I then worked for three years with the nations first Women’s consulting firm in New York during the Women’s revolution of the seventies. For the last forty-two years, I have run my own consulting firm teaching Fortune 500 executives, managers and employees about the system’s “unwritten rules”.

Some major milestones in my life that has allowed me to better understand how our socio- economic system works and has help me with my personal upward mobility include:
• Becoming an Eagle Scout
• Sang in a group that opened for Ray Charles, James Brown, Little Anthony and the Imperials, Bobby Darrin and others
• Named “European Soldier of the Year” when stationed in Germany during the Berlin Crisis
• Elected Atlanta’s First “Small Businessman to the Year” by the Greater Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and the Atlanta Business Chronicle
• Was a consultant to England’s House of Lords
• Have guest lectured at the MBA schools of Wharton, Emory, Ga. Tech., Carnegie Mellon
• Instructed at IBM’s International Executive School in Belgium and GE’s International Senor
Management School
- Have trained over 50 Fortune 500 C-suites
• Have been a convention speaker for forty years
• My community involvement includes: Chairman of the Greater Atlanta Girls Club,

Former board member of the National Girls Club, St. Joseph Hospital, The Greater Atlanta Boys Scouts, the Neighborhood Justice Center and currently serving on the Advisory boards of the State of Ga. Museum of Art and the Atlanta Ballet.



2-Hour Virtual Seminar on Empowering Yourself, the Organizational Game Revealed: The Best Kept Secret in Organizational America

Empowering Yourself, The Organizational Game Revealed: The BestKept Secret in Organizational America Work hard and you'll get ahead!" We’ve heard that all our lives, but has it worked? Has your hard work often gone unnoticed or have others who have not worked as hard as you moved on, leaving you behind? Or maybe you have been told, "You gotta play the game” but are never told what game you should be playing nor its rules. If so, this session is a must attend.

Harvey Coleman
  • Time: 10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST,
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Price: $185.00
  • View Details

2-Hour Virtual Seminar on Empowering Yourself, the Organizational Game Revealed: The Best Kept Secret in Organizational America

Empowering Yourself, The Organizational Game Revealed: The BestKept Secret in Organizational America Work hard and you'll get ahead!" We’ve heard that all our lives, but has it worked? Has your hard work often gone unnoticed or have others who have not worked as hard as you moved on, leaving you behind? Or maybe you have been told, "You gotta play the game” but are never told what game you should be playing nor its rules. If so, this session is a must attend.

  • Harvey Coleman
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Price: $235.00
  • View Details

2-Hour Virtual Seminar on Empowering Yourself, the Organizational Game Revealed: The Best Kept Secret in Organizational America

Empowering Yourself, The Organizational Game Revealed: The BestKept Secret in Organizational America Work hard and you'll get ahead!" We’ve heard that all our lives, but has it worked? Has your hard work often gone unnoticed or have others who have not worked as hard as you moved on, leaving you behind? Or maybe you have been told, "You gotta play the game” but are never told what game you should be playing nor its rules. If so, this session is a must attend.

  • Harvey Coleman
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Price: $435.00
  • View Details